2016 Canada Website Design Trends

Now is a Good Time to Update Your Canada Website Design
Wednesday, March 16, 2016 by Paul Hamilton
Knowing your Website needs to be relevant, if you haven't redesigned or updated it for some time, now is a good time to have this done. It is certainly possible to fall behind your competitor's websites or even current trends. A website update that is in tune with today's highly educated customers will assist in maintaining connections.
So, what are Canada's best web design trends? Truthfully, the answer is not simple. Whether your Website displays your brand, a service, community, art, etc., different elements will need to work to communicate your image properly. This also depends of course, at least somewhat on how much you are willing to invest in overhauling your website. Rather than discuss "What's Hot" and "What's Not", let's look at the trends you may choose to follow that will best serve your customers as well as your brand.
Below are some of today's popular trends on website updates. Feel free to contact us to help your business, or adopt some of these design trends as your own.
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2016 Canada Website Design Trends
Almost Flat Website Designs
Before the almost-flat or semi-flat web design, there was simply "The Flat Website Design". The idea was a look with all fluff, frills and "distraction" removed in favour of using bold colors, simple shapes and simple typography.
Now, to eliminate problems of flat designs while maintaining appealing design qualities, designers more commonly create "Almost Flat" websites. Canada Website Designers can show you where some elements should be given depth and dimension as well as where more flatness of elements provides functional appeal.
Unique Illustrations
Few design elements will add as much personality to your website than quirky illustrations. A friendly edge to your brand that is customized can't be easily replicated by competitors. Whether you're a creative business or brand, taking the time to produce your own custom images or illustrations are considered a must-add in our opinion.
If creating illustrations on your own is not a consideration, Canada Website Designers can offer some great ideas and work to help you find what best meshes with your brand.
User-Oriented, Minimalist Designs
In 2016, less can produce more when it comes to web design. Canada's high tech-savvy visitors do certainly appreciate websites that aren't overloaded with graphics, or take too much time loading and chewing up bandwidth.
Rather than being boring however, just consider stripping down to the design essentials and build on your work from there. Using them might be considered a must, but you can also hide sidebars and submenus, to let your visitors discover these for themselves.
Typography isn't just the art of letter design. Proper typography can bring more life to content, enhancing the rest of your website design elements and help your Canadian brand stand out. Improper typography can also become a disadvantage in an otherwise flawless site.
In 2016, there are so many places to download free fonts around the Web. A professional designer can also customize typography to emphasize your brand's uniqueness.
Static Image Quality
If you believe your website is too plain, try the simple addition of adding an image or two to your background. This can be presented as a single eye-catching photo spanning the entire page, or a series of photos that tell your brand's story.
Superimposing text can complement these images quite nicely, providing clear call-to-actions for your brand's visitors.
Interactive Storytelling
When you present an intriguing question and spike the curiosity in your visitors, it can assist in the development of a connection. We all love stories and all imagine ourselves as characters who get thrown into conflict, and somehow find a way to resolve that conflict. At least eventually, every visitor that becomes a "client" will need a "real" connection to you and while this only works genuinely over time, it doesn't hurt that introduction to include, "What happens next?"
The real story from there will provide specific answers to that, but when the story ends(or continues), all are either left satisfied or wanting more. If we've done our job well, you will be very satisfied AND wanting more!
Moving Images
Many are not sure whether to use photos or videos for their website. In 2016, using a cinemagraph is becoming more popular. A cinemagraph, or moving image, expresses more words than a still photo, but uses up less bandwidth than a video. Cinemagraphs can also liven up your website's background, break up excessively long content, and add stickiness of up to 15 percent.
Anyone can create cinemagraphs on their own with the right software, or a professional can help you from the creation of the video clip, down to the uploading of the cinemagraph to your site.
Previous Trends Reiterated
Of course, there are many trends of yesteryear that worked well and do still work today. Some of these trends include:
- Responsive Website Design: A responsive site adjusts according to what device it's viewed in. Most sites are developed in this manner with some exceptions, but it's still worth noting in an increasingly mobile world.
- Endless Scrolling: Like RWD, longer srolling pages are in considerations for mobile users. A visitor simply has to scroll down, and down, to find what they're looking for.
- Parallax Scrolling: In a website that uses parallax scrolling, background elements move slower than those in the foreground, giving the illusion of movement. This one does really help your site come to life as long as it is properly utilized.
There is no doubt you will have used one or more of these design elements. In 2016, try to evaluate whether they are contributing positively to your conversions. If it has been a while since your Canadian Business has performed a website update, now is a very good time to have Canada Website Designers provide your business with some new advantages.
Canada Website Designers Range of Services
Expertise and Efficiencies with Canada Website Designers

Photo Edits for e-Com
Our expertise has successfully completed numerous complex assignments for some of the World's largest online retailers. Realistic representations of apparels to highlight lifestyle, fit and texture for online sales.

Proprietary Efficiencies
We produce our own sets of tools and software to assist with efficiency. Digital photo product edits can remain under our management as we provide your feeds for companies like Amazon, Sears, Walmart, etc.

Digital Photo Editing
We can edit photographs taken during unfavorable conditions like dim lighting or bad weather. Our image retouching services include - portfolios, wedding photos, product photographs, food photographs, jewelry, etc..

Digital - IT Experience
It's our business to know digital photography editing and required efficiencies. We also own and manage hundreds of websites with our own product feeds. Helping you with your photo editing is a natural extension.
Website Digital Art

Color Correction
Professional color correction services to improve/edit color representation.

Photo Reflections
We can enhance product photographs by adding reflections instead of shadows for a more sophisticated look.

Photo Retouching
Photograph retouching without missing even the tiniest detail.

360 Degree Photos
Showcase a vivid compilation of 360 degree photography on your website.
Additional Services
Adding / Removing Backgrounds
We can remove or add backgrounds in digital photographs pronto! Tell us what you require and our expertise will meet your needs with a difference.
Add/Remove Objects or People
Even a perfect photograph may not serve the purpose it was intended for. In some cases you may require adding or removing people or objects from photos. Provide us the images and we will do the rest!
Design and Photo Stitching
The art of photo stitching - merging photos together for panorama shots or precisely blending to form one natural looking composite image.
Photo Mixing
Highly specialized service, you may have photographed a model in a studio, but wish to show them on the beach, or show something seemingly impossible. Our team dedicated to photo mixing can create unique, unforgettable images.
Color Masking
Available for all photographers who want something creative done with their work; we can uniquely highlight, focus and/or give special effects to your photographs.
e-Commerce Photos
We create dynamic, realistic, and eye-popping representations of apparels to highlight lifestyle, fit and texture for online sales. Our expertise has successfully completed numerous complex assignments for some of the World's largest online retailers.